I get a lot of emails every day. Some of these emails are informational automated emails, which I want as reference, but don’t want cluttering up my inbox. This blog discusses how to define Outlook rules so that these emails automatically move from the inbox to their designated folder. The screen shots are from Outlook […]
Enabling SSH in VMware via the iSphere Client
I have posted how to start and stop the SSH shell from within the VMware console. But, there is another way of doing this same process, without using the console. The advantage of using the GUI is that you only need the appropriate iSphere client credentials and not the root password that you need to […]
Removing a Broken Domain Controller
In the process of upgrading to Windows 2008R2 domains, I normally shutdown the older 2003 servers for a week, to validate that nothing important remains on them, before demoting them from domain controllers to member servers. This process works great as long as one remembers to turn these shutdown servers back on and demote them […]
Creating a 32-bit ODBC DSN in Windows 2008R2
You may have noticed (or perhaps you haven’t) that the ODBC administrative screen found in Control Panel |Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) are actually 64-bit drivers under Windows Server 2008R2. I noticed this factoid today while installing VMware Update Manager on SQL Server Standard. It turns out that even the latest version 5.1 Update […]
Raising the Domain Functional Level
Raising your domain functional level is pretty easy, but so seldom done that most administrators are vary wary of the procedures. The key to success is understanding when you can legitimately raise your Windows domain functional level and Windows forest functional level. First, to raise either level to 2008, you must be running a 2008 […]
Fixing IE8 Error “Do you want to view…”
Normally, when you want to access something that the firewall or other security settings think is “suspicious”, you click “Yes” to accept the risks. Well, Internet Explorer 8 changed all that with its error message “Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered security?”. In order to view the content, the […]
Adding Network Printers in Apple OSX
More people I know are taking the plunge and transitioning to the MacBook, MacBook Air, or iMac desktop. So, I have recently been receiving more Apple OSX “how to” questions. This post describes how to setup a network printer in either 10.6.x or 10.8.x. The only real difference between the two setups is that the […]
Fixing SQL Server 2008 Email Errors
So, I am looking at a the logs from a fresh installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2008. This particular database server has just been setup with a daily backup maintenance plan, and it is spitting error messages which say “Failed (-1073548784) Executing the query Execute msdb.dbo.sp_notify_operator … failed with the following error: No global profile […]
Enabling Apple OSX Encryption & Firewall
Lately, several friends have purchased their first Apple laptops. One common question is “How should I secure it?” Since I have answered several email inquiries within the last month, I thought this topic was worth a blog entry. The top two features that I recommend immediately enabling are disk encryption via Apple’s FileVault feature and […]