I setup a new virtual server in VMware 6.0 yesterday. Of course, I was logging into the console. Then, I remembered, if I wanted remote desktop to work, I needed to explicitly enable it. Run Control Panel | System Click the “Remote Settings” link on left Select the “Remote” tab Check “Allow connections from computers… […]
vSphere 6.0 Client fails on Windows XP and 2003
We all know that Windows XP is a deprecated and no longer supported operating system. Here is just a nail in the coffin. I attempted to install the vSphere 6.0 client on XP, and received the error message, “When installed on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 host machine, the vSphere Client might fail […]
Unexpected ESXi Error
Last week, I was working happily in the vSphere fat client, and suddenly received the error, “The request failed because the server closed the connection. The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server.” What does this VMware actually mean? Turns out that I was […]
“Unable to Find Any Array Script…” Error
Last week, I installed VMware 5.5 Update 2e (which worked fine) and then I installed Site Recovery Manager (SRM) which seemingly went fine. As a third step, I install Site Recovery Array (SRA) and then ran the vSphere client and installed the Site Recovery Plugin. Note that in version 5.5, SRM is not available via […]
Error Message Installing the SRM Plugin
I have been running vCenter upgrades recently. Today, I was attempting to upgrade from VMware 5.5U1 to VMware 5.5U2. I have already ran this particular upgrade four other times this month, but today I received an error message as I was attempting to install the SRM plugin: “VMware vSphere Client is running and needs to […]
What does Remove Cluster do?
I needed to move some hosts from one vCenter to another one. I had virtual machines running on these hosts, and did not want to shutdown the machines in order to accomplish the switch. What was the best way to accomplish this? At first, I attempted to use the “Remove” menu item when highlighting the […]
How to Migrate a VMware Template
An Error Prevents Datastore from Dismounting
So, I was busy humming along, dividing some hosts between a production vCenter server and the new disaster recovery (DR) vCenter server that I had just installed. As part of this process, I had mounted DR datastore, moved the virtual machines that I needed to run in DR over to their new locations, and was […]
Created a Network using VirtualBox
So, recently I wanted to do some client/server testing on my laptop. I am using Oracle’s VirtualBox to allow me to run Windows on my Apple. Anyway, when I attempted to network my Windows 7 VM to my Windows 2008 Server, nothing happened. Specifically, they could each ping the gateway and the Internet, but they […]
Extending Drives in 2008R2 Hosted on VMware
Yesterday, I needed to extend some 2008R2 drives that were used by Exchange mailboxes. As I went through this process, I remembered blogging previously about extending volumes in Server 2003. See this post: https://www.orionscache.com/2012/01/extending-the-windows-system-drive/. I realized those steps don’t exactly apply, and I had a couple of emails asking me to be more specific with […]