All the SQL Server services were starting fine. The database was responsive to user queries, yet in the event logs we were getting event ID = 120, complaining that “The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key. Most likely, the service account or password has changed. To continue, run rsconfig.exe to update the report server […]
Creating a 32-bit ODBC DSN in Windows 2008R2
You may have noticed (or perhaps you haven’t) that the ODBC administrative screen found in Control Panel |Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) are actually 64-bit drivers under Windows Server 2008R2. I noticed this factoid today while installing VMware Update Manager on SQL Server Standard. It turns out that even the latest version 5.1 Update […]
Fixing SQL Server 2008 Email Errors
So, I am looking at a the logs from a fresh installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2008. This particular database server has just been setup with a daily backup maintenance plan, and it is spitting error messages which say “Failed (-1073548784) Executing the query Execute msdb.dbo.sp_notify_operator … failed with the following error: No global profile […]