I was working at a customer site who had recently upgraded from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010. When I went to edit one of their policies, I received an error message via the Exchange Management Console (EMC). Based upon this error, I realized that the policies had not been upgraded.
Here is the step-by-step how to guide to upgrade Exchange policies to 2010.
- Open the Exchange Management Shell:
- Login to your Exchange server
- Select Programs | Exchange… | Exchange Management Shell
- What looks like a DOS prompt appears, wait for it to present you a power shell prompt, which looks like “[PS] c:\windows\system32>” or similar.
- Run the command:
- Set-EmailAddressPolicy “Default Policy” -IncludedRecipients AllRecipients
- Enter either “A” for all or “Y” for yes when prompted.
- Validate the change:
- Get-EmailAddressPolicy | Format-List name, recipienttype, exchangeversion
- Look for Exchange version staring with 0.1 — these are upgraded
- Repeat for each policy:
- For every policy repeat steps (2) and (3) above.